
remainder theorem meaning in English



  1. New public - key traitor tracing schemes using chinese remainder theorem
  2. On the chinese remainder theorem
  3. Based on a one - dimensional cellular automata and the chinese remainder theorem , a new multi - secret sharing scheme was proposed in this paper
  4. T . r . n . rao and chung - huang yang , " aryabhata remainder theorem : relevance to public - key crypto - algorithms , " proc . 2005 symposium on cryptography and information security , kobe , japan , january 2005 , pp . 1111 - 1116
    杨中皇,椭圆曲线密码系统软体实现技术之探讨,资讯安全通讯,第十一卷第一期,页15 ~ 25 , 2005年1月。
  5. The chinese remainder theorem technique increases the decryption data rate by a factor of four . two redundant blocks are added to adapt to the online partition of the multiplier and the variation of the length of
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Related Words

  1. remainder
  2. remainder price
  3. remainder equally
  4. remainder error
  5. transmit remainder
  6. remainder function
  7. contingent remainder
  8. remainder index
  9. remainder phrase
  10. remainder mountain
  11. remainder stroke
  12. remainder term
  13. remainder type
  14. remainderman
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